Save 5 Hours/Week With AI.

In 30 Days.

Or Your Money Back.

The 30 Day AI Accelerator for Beginners a 30-day course designed to help beginners start using AI on a daily basis to save time (and live a more playful life).

By the end of these 30 days you will:

1) be saving 5 hours per week (more time with family),

2) making life more playful with the power of AI, and

3) eliminate your fear of AI by using it daily.

Eliminate Your Fear Of AI.

Build With It.

Quiz: Is the 30 Day AI Accelerator for Beginners right for you?

Are you feeling pressured to "figure out" and "use" AI, but don't really know where to start?

Are you afraid of being replaced by AI, or outpaced by those who are using AI?

Have you tried to use ChatGPT, but struggled to figure it out and create anything useful?

Are you feeling uncertain about how AI can be used to amplify your work or that learning it will be worth it?

Do you use ChatGPT, but feel like there's another level of greatness to be unlocked?

Do you find yourself wasting time giving ChatGPT context on your workflows and systems?

If any of these sound familiar..

Then the 30 Day AI Accelerator for Beginners was created for you.

And I have good news:

AI won't replace you.

But those who use AI in their daily life and work will.

What others have said about the program...

Build the skills you need to finally start using ChatGPT effectively.

All beginner ChatGPT users face the same problems:

  1. Don't Really Even Know What ChatGPT Can Do For Them

  2. Difficulty in Getting AI To Do Something Useful

  3. Overwhelmed by AI Prompts

  4. Pressure to Quickly Adapt to AI

  5. Fear of Being Replaced or Outpaced by AI

  6. Uncertainty About AI's Applicability and Legality

  7. Time Investment Concerns

  8. Copy Pasting Instructions Over and Over

  9. Need for AI With Proprietary Knowledge

If you've used AI like ChatGPT or sought to learn how to use it in any way, you've likely faced at least one of the above problems our doubts.

The 30 Day Accelerator is designed to resolve each of these problems.

Here's how it works

The 30x30 emails: Get a daily email with a 30 minute task for 30 days

Starting on the launch day, when you join you'll get a daily email for 30 days.

Each email will have you collide with a new AI possibility, and have you use AI to do something amazing.

This 30x30 training schedule will get you up to speed and using AI in your daily life.

Daily Video Trainings To Help You See The Possibilities

Each daily task comes with a video training.

Watch, listen, or read the information to consume it.

See where and how to use AI to save you time, make life more playful, or make you money.

Use My AI Clone and Assistants To Get Personalized Training

If you ever find yourself stuck or want to go higher, you will have access to my AI clone for personalized training.

It has knowledge of the course, and the material within it.

The course will also introduce you to multiple AI assistants I created to save time and make life more playful.

Save 5 Hours Per Week (And Live a More Playful Life) With Your Custom Built AI Assistants

By the end of the course you will have built 3 AI assistants that:

  • Do your work (save you time)

  • Make life more playful (use them with family and friends!)

  • Or make you money

Sell these, use them, or share them with others.

My Guarantee

By the end of the 30 days, the 3 AI Assistants you create and the daily use of ChatGPT (with my training) will save you at least 5 hours per week or I will give you all of your money back.

Behold, Your AI Coach

Sterling Long

I was in Hawaii sitting outside when I took the call from the CEO of WalletConnect.

I had built out a small portion of their application in a programming language called Flutter, and they wanted me to complete it.

It had only taken me a about 5 days to build it over Christmas break (2 days were spent dealing with complicated maths).

This was only possible because of ChatGPT, which wrote around 80% of the code on my behalf.

ChatGPT helped me solve problems and build applications 5-10X faster than would have normally been possible.

My increase in productivity led to amazing working opportunities and over a 5X increase in my hourly income.

The call with the CEO of WalletConnect was proof.

It was glorious.

For the first 6 months of 2023 I used AI almost solely for software development.

Even with my increased productivity, I was afraid of AI. I saw an inevitability: AI would replace me.

This led me into trying to diversify, and in July of 2023, I shifted away from being purely a software developer and entered into the content creation and coaching space.

When I made that shift, working with AI got much more difficult. Code is very structured (easy for AI to get right), creative writing is not structured (harder for AI to get right and sound like me).

This led me to use AI much less in my day to day efforts, a huge mistake.

I didn't resolve my silly mistake until a fellow father and friend of mine said "When I started using ChatGPT in the place of google, that's when things changed."

My friend was right.

That one shift forced me to use ChatGPT in so many different ways that I simply wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

Since that mental shift, I've been able to piece together frameworks for the effective use of ChatGPT outside of coding.

These frameworks have saved me weeks of time and mental energy, and ultimately helped me dismiss my fear of AI as something that will replace me.

I am now the thinker. AI is my executor, for code and writing.

It's glorious.

I no longer fear AI.

In fact, my sentiment has flipped entirely.

I believe that those who master building with AI in their daily life (just as I strive to do) will eliminate their fear of AI and create a world they feel blessed to live in, faster than they think is possible.

It only took 12 months of frustrating, consistent effort to get here.

With my frameworks, I have been blessed to help hundreds of people get to where I am (while avoiding all the pitfalls, frustrations, and struggles I went through).

So if you'd like to skip the 12 month learning curve I collided with, and quantum leap straight to useing AI in your daily work to save you time in just 30 days, then this is best program for you.

Excited to serve you.

Your AI Coach,

Sterling Long!

Avoid the Prompt Book Hell

The biggest mistake beginner ChatGPT users make? Trying to learn to use AI from prompt books.

"5000+ prompts for everything you need: coding, writing, lawyering..."

These books are the equivalent of dumping 5000 fish on someone and saying "oh sorry I buried you with my fish. I see you don't have a knife or a fire but cook these up and you won't be hungry anymore."

The fish are overwhelming and a waste of your precious time. Most of them aren't even that good. Trust me, I've tested them (and written a prompt book using ChatGPT in about 2 hours).

The funny thing is, these prompts are supposed to help you delegate your work. But they don't. I'll teach you how to actually delegate your work to AI.

Stop Fearing.

Start Building.

This course is designed to help you replace fear with confidence when working with generative AI.

AI is a tool and an incredible amplifier. It can be used to increase your speed on almost any task without sacrificing quality.

You will walk away from the these 30 days using Chatgpt daily to:

  1. Save you time (at least 5 hours per week), or

  2. Make life more playful!

Build 3 AI Assistants in 30 Days

One builder who went through the program created an AI assistant that created job postings for him (based on his proprietary framework).

The result: 40+ hours saved in less than 25 days.

These assistants do your work for you.

What tasks do you want help with, or want to get off your plate entirely?

Build With AI Pro 30x30 Day

Overview, Curriculum, and Schedule

We Launch on February 27th

Live Session #0: Kickoff Meeting and Housekeeping - Everything you need to know to crush the next 30 days!

(Tuesday February 27th at 10:30AM MDT)

Live Session #1: Just Ask. The Core 4 Levers For Effective Instructions. The ChatGPT UI. Breakdown of the AI assistant builder! Ethical considerations of AI.

(Wednesday February 28th at 11AM MDT)

Live Session #2: Pattern Creation - your new tool for research, ideation, and content creation. Building your
first AI assistant.

(Wednesday March 6th at 11AM MDT)

Live Session #3:
Image generation framework. The legality of images in AI. Build your second AI assistant!

(Wednesday March 13th at 11AM MDT)

Live Session #4: Giving your AI assistant knowledge! Tagging assistants in a conversation. Build your third AI assistant.

(Wednesday March 20th at 11AM MDT)

Live Session #5: Multistep Assistants - Build a system into your assistant.

(Wednesday March 27th at 11AM MDT)

Live Session #6: Closing Call and Wrap up - You did it!

(Thursday March 28th at 11AM MDT)

Delegate Like a Boss With 4 Easy Levers

Lever #1

Give the AI a Role

AI has knowledge of the internet, and can act as any kind of expert you wish.

The fastest, and easiest way to improve your instructions is to tell the AI how you wish it to act.


  • "You are a professional writer with thousands of hours of experience building converting landing pages."

  • "Act as Brendon Burchard and coach me through a problem."

Lever #2

Give the AI an Output Template

ChatGPT, like any good intern, will follow instructions.

If you don't tell it how you want it to return the information to you, it will likely give you unstructured stuff you don't care about (like any good intern).

Improve this by giving ChatGPT an Output Template.


  • "Give me a list of companies..."

  • "Write me a formal legal document for..."

  • "Please give me a blog post with 3 sections..."

Lever #3

Baby Steps

If you give ChatGPT too much to do, it will (more than likely) make decisions you don't want it to make.

You solve this by asking ChatGPT to solve smaller problems.


  • "Please write me a book" becomes "Please help me determine a working title for my book."

  • "Please write me a blog post..." becomes "Please write the main points of a blog post..."

Lever #4

Self Reflection

The last thing you can do to improve ChatGPT feedback is ask it to reflect on what it needs to perform the task you have given it.

Often, this will force you to break the problem down into
baby steps!

This looks like ending your instructions with "what additional information do you need to actually do what I asked?"

ChatGPT can help you master your blind spots. All you have to do is ask.

Here's what you unlock when you buy

Immediate access to the 30 Day AI Accelerator course.

This course houses the video training for each day.

  • The video training for each day

  • My personal AI assistant army, and

  • A phone number you can use to text my AI clone

30x30 trainings. You get the first email the moment you buy the program.

Daily 30 minute (or less) task to introduce you to all of ChatGPT's tools.

With these trainings you'll build 3 AI assistant that:

  1. Can do your work for you (imagine AI doing all your work for you?!)

  2. You can share (or sell) to others

  3. Make life more playful

They will also keep you on track and using AI daily to save those 5 hours per week!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need ChatGPT Plus?


ChatGPT has all of the features, bells and whistles we need to really make AI work for us and build our AI assistants simply and easily.

That being said, the trainings I will give you to write instructions for AI will work with any chat-based AI: Claude, Bard, Grok, etc.

Your skills, and the instructions you create for each assistant, will be transferrable to other platforms.

What kind of assistant will I create?

I'll present you with ideas and options, but the types of assistant you create are ultimately up to you!

The course is designed to give you the tools you need to create effective instructions for AI, and then turn those into AI assistants!

I'll give you ideas for assistants you can create. Your job is to leverage your proprietary knowledge and systems to build your own.

What if I'm not very tech savvy?

Don't worry.

The course is designed for any AI beginner, no matter how much technological experience you may have.

I will do my utmost to ensure you understand how to
navigate ChatGPT and use it to its fullest.

What's the time commitment?

I expect you will spend at least 30 minutes working with AI each day (following my 30x30 email sequence).

AI is an amplifier, and I fully expect you will get it to perform hours worth of work for you (instantly in some cases).

How long do I have access to the course materials?

You will have access to the emails as long as you don't delete them.

You will have access to the course and my AI assistants forever!

How does ChatGPT make life more playful?

Have you ever seen a computer do your work for you (and ultimately make you money)?

As a software dev, that's what I see every day of my life.

ChatGPT lets you see it, and do it, too.

I can't imagine something more fun than that.

If You're Still Reading...

Then I encourage you to take the leap.

As you master living a playful life with AI, you will feel confidence, and fear will take a back seat.

I also want you to know you're not alone or forgotten.

Come and join your fellow builders as we level up, power up, and lead our fields with the powerful tool that is AI!

Still Have Questions?

Ask my AI assistant, Chatii, any question regarding the program.